Quadra Village
Neighbourhood Gym
Interested in renting?
Fill out a Rental Request Form by clicking the button below or email facilities@quadravillagecc.com
*Please note that booking requests take up to a week to process.
4,300 sq. feet of floor and stage space
Availability for recurring and one-time rentals
Secure storage for long-term rentals
Tables and chairs available for a fee
Access to a washroom (gender inclusive)
Space accessible to those using mobility aids (see below)
Max occupancy 220 people.
Business Rate
1 Hour $45
2 Hours $85
3-4 Hours $120
5+ Hours $200
* An added fee of $30/hr is charged when space is required outside of regular business hours, to cover the cost of a building attendant.
Storage Locker
Business $10
Non-Profit $5
Kitchen - $20 per hour
Chairs - < 20 free, 21-60- $10, > 60- $15
Tables - <4 free, 5-10- $10, >10- $15
Kindergym equipment - $20 per hour
Find Us
950 Kings Rd, Victoria BC, V8T 2W6
Accessing the Main Entrance
From Kings Rd., turn into CDI College's parking lot (entry to lot will be via alleyway off of Kings Rd.)
Head toward the right side of the building - you will see signs on the building reading "Quadra Village Neighbourhood Gym"
Continue right, around the building, until you reach a set of double doors with an "Entrance" sign posted above
Be sure not to enter through CDI College
Building Accessibility
Located on the ground floor of the 950 Kings St School building, the entrance into the gym and the main space is accessible to those using mobility aids. There are stairs leading to the stage area with a hand-railing. Multi-user, gender inclusive bathrooms with stalls are located in the hallway adjacent to the gym. One single stall bathroom is attached to the gym. Both of these bathrooms pose as a barrier for those using mobility aids as there are no larger stalls or hand rails in any of the stalls.
Parking is available FREE for user groups and their participants during booking times.
Allotted spots within the CDI College parking lot are labelled "GYM"
Gym parking spots run adjacent to the gym, and continue around the right side of the building
User group participants are welcome to utilize remaining parking spots during times when CDI classes are not running (e.g. weekends, evenings etc.)
Please limit your use of the parking lot to the time of your event, class or other booking